Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

  • The SOFIA project (SOlutions pour la Fabrication Industrielle Additive métallique) started in the summer of 2016. Its purpose is to make research in the field of metallic additive manufacturing. The industrial partners include Michelin, FMAS, ESI, Safran and others. The academic partners are different laboratories of CNRS, including CMAP at Ecole Polytechnique. The project is funded for 6 years by BPI (Banque Publique d'Investissement).

  • G. Allaire is participating to the TOP project at IRT SystemX which started in February 2017. It is concerned with the development of a topology optimization platform with industrial partners (Renault, Safran, Airbus, ESI).

  • FUI project Saxsize. This three years project started in October 2015 and extended till April 2019 and it involves Xenocs (coordinator), Inria (DEFI), Pyxalis, LNE, Cordouan and CEA. It is a followup of Nanolytix where a focus is put on SAXS quantifications of dense nanoparticle solutions.

  • Contract with THALES, Activity around the numerical certification of debris codes, Coordinator: P.M. Congedo.

  • Contract with ArianeGroup, Activity around techniques for Uncertainty Quantification, Coordinator: P.M. Congedo.